The Backwoods Edward Lee.

The Backwoods - Edward Lee

Just finished this book today. And I LOVED it! I guess why it took so long for me to read it as I was so absorbed that and the bane’s of work got to me.


So why did I enjoy it?? Well I guess like most other people, I saw the reviews saying how gory Edward lee's books was... Or he was like Marmite ((an English yeast spread We use for cooking came from the wartime's lol)) You either love him or hate him. In my case I love his work his humor and wit, Why This guy's books Hasn't been made in to a si-fi channel film or a Netflix I have no idea!


I got a few of Edwards Lee's books in one go But “The backwoods” Was the first one I had ever got to read.


At the start of Lee's peculiar and uneasily convincing mix of sex and violence, 40-ish D.C. lawyer “Patricia White” temporarily leaves her successful practice and her loving husband to console her sister, Judy, after the grisly murder of Judy's brutish husband, Dwayne. Judy lives in Agan's Point, a boondocks Chesapeake Bay town where the sisters grew up. There Patricia relives unhappy memories of her rape years earlier by an unknown assailant and feels unexpected and intense sexual longings for a childhood friend who never left the Point. Eerie and insular squatters and an unscrupulous land developer anxious to eliminate the squatters contribute to the growing mayhem.


This book isn't for anyone who is Highly sensitive to gore, sex, torture, and Big Boobie busted Airheads who love sex. :p


All in all I felt I was reading an incredibly Goreish Book made for Men All the woman had big boob's and were compete Airheads. I just found it Hilarious! In a really gorey way. The plot was really good And I loved the chars accent's Only thing that made me feel a bit sick to my belly was a certain rape scene in the woods.


Would a read any more of Edward lees books. For sure I would!