More author's need to publish there work on Digital Formats.

I love to collect books. But I'm very fussy as to what books I like to collect. If I’m collecting it has to be the compete works of an author or a series of books they have done. I love paperbacks, but what truly destroys me is the fact that most of the books I have in paperback are not out on digital formats or "Epubs".


Take for instance one of my favorite authors “Robin Jarvis”. As a child His books would totally blow me away to the fact were I couldn't get enough of finding a nice cozy spot and just losing myself to the adventures of his books.



Sadly all his works are mostly in paperback. His new stuff is in digital format, but I wish he would put all his old works as Epubs too! The reason why I like digital formats is because its just more relaxing to snuggle up with an Kobo than a book. Why? You ask? Well, most have night-lights that don't disturb your partner or loved one as they sleep. This is just a little bit of random ramble, but I really wish authors would start making there works available as Epubs or digital buys. I'll still buy paperbacks and collect them as I love them, but I want to have two collections of books. One in paperback and one in digital format.