The Doll J.C Martin

The Doll - J.C.Martin

A spooky short tale set in Isla de las Munecas The Island of the Dolls it tells the tale of a little girl and her mother who visit the island on a trip were from there.. A series of events happen that is very sinister.


I was Really lucky with this one I found it for free while hunting around the kindle store. The cover was what hooked me to it the tale, it's self was extremely impressive the way the plot flowed as well.


What I loved most about it is where the story is based it's based on the spooky island of the dolls and it's haunting past. There's so many places in the world that have themes like this, and that Hooked the little Real paranormal fan in me.


Give this book a read I promise you it's short but you won't be disappointed.