A sad Day Indeed.

Yesterday was such a sad day for me. I was getting ready to go out and then it flashed on my twitter feed that Harper lee the author who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird" had sadly passed away.


I honestly burst out in tears, utter tears.. I honestly felt like I've lost someone close to me. I totally fell in love with her Book To kill A Mocking Bird. And it's one of my favourite book's it's not a horror book. But it really touched a feeling in me and I carried that book around for week's I'm not sure if it was the small time Layer Atticus Finch? Or the whole cast and the story And what it was about.


But what I do know is Harper Lee to write what she wrote and publish a book at that time in her life, When ladies were not meant to do that. That touched a core In me and even writing this I'm tearing up. My thought's to her family at this time. I know she was an old lady, but It's just so sad when an author you truly liked Passes.